You are painting with oil, acrylic, aquarelle or pastel medium. You create your own painting either in the garden or in the atelier. The colours and shape of nature may be your inspiration but you are free to choose your theme. The course will be perfectly adapted to your wishes and can be followed by as well debutants as experienced persons, adults but also children. We work from 10:00h to 12:00h and from 15:00h to 17:00h. Outside these times you are free to continuing working or to relax. Lunch, tea and coffee and homemade pastry/sweets are included in the workshop prices.
The workshop can be chosen for just one day where you will get a good impression of materials and techniques. Are you booking for several days, you will go home with your own master piece.
The expenses are for one day and a private course for one person: 80 euro. Booking for respectively 2, 3 or 4 persons reduces the costs degressively to 60, 50 and 40 euro/person exclusive material as painting medium (oil, pastel, acrylic etc) and painting support (canvas frame, board, wood or paper, painting size) Depending on your choice you may count on 10 to 100 euro.
Visit my gallery site ART POUR TOI to view my paintings.